We are experiencing a season of building. The WMU and Sisters Who Care built almost 100 bookcases for Books for the Border projects on two separate weekends this year. Royal Ambassadors, churches, and other groups are building hundreds more. We’ve built up stores of books for beginning home libraries, thanks to contributions by the Texas Baptist Church Weekday Education Association and others. And, we’re building partnerships with both faith- and community-based organizations, enabling us to participate in more programs which put books into the hands of families in need.
At the same time, we’re building on a strong foundation—to make it even stronger—on the ESL side of our ministry. ESL Coordinator/Trainer, Robin Feistel, provided seven sessions of new ESL teacher training across the state over the summer. Training opportunities for early 2012 are already in the works.
Finally, we are building a social media platform. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter as we put the word out regarding current projects and events—opportunities for you to join. And, lastly, in partnership with Andrew Maddox, aimdigitalmedia, we built this new website. Snoop around and tell us what you think!