Happy Friday Everyone! We hope that everyone enjoyed their Fourth of July. Hopefully, you got to spend some time with your family with a little R&R time on the side. With the holiday weekend behind us, many of us may be headed back to reality and (at least for me) that means brushing up on my teacher skills with a bit of summer training before the start of summer courses.

Luckily, for those of us looking to knock out some summer training, Literacy Minnesota has a ton of free webinars scheduled for this summer. While the trainings are indeed free, they do require advanced registration and Literacy Minnesota does encourage a donation of your choosing to help keep their sites and programs running. Aside from free trainings, Literacy Minnesota also has a ton of in person trainings, continuing education courses, and educator resources for both ESL and HSE, so any money you contribute will be going towards a great cause.
So far, Literacy Minnesota, has these trainings scheduled for this summer:
- Facilitating Positive Experiences during Remote Learning 101: July 13 and August 3
- Talk Amongst Yourselves: Building Up Student-Facilitated Conversations: July 15 and August 10
- Remote Tutoring 101: July 16, August 5, and August 26
- Developing Fluency and Vocabulary for Beginning English Speakers: July 20 and July 27
- Accent Bias and Discrimination in the United States: July 21
- Writing Activities for English Learners During Remote Instruction: Aug 17 and Aug 26
To learn more about each training or to register for one click here.
If you are interested in a more hands on training for your organization, Literacy Connexus can come to you! Send us an email at info@literacyconnexus.org. We’d love to hear from you. As always, blessings and happy teaching.