Goooooooood morning from Literacy Connexus! I hope that everyone is having a wonderful week and staying clear of the big, bad Delta variant of Covid that’s running around. Today, I want to share some awesome resources for adult ELL instruction from Colorin Colorado.

Are you preparing for fall ESL classes? Are you wondering where to start? Or maybe looking to get a few more resources under your belt? Colorin Colorado is a bilingual for educators and families of English language learners. They offer tips and resources on things like supporting ELLs through Covid-19, family outreach, helping children learn how to read, distance learning for ELLs, and book lists for different ages. It’s truly a gem of a website.
In addition to all of the wonderful things that Colorin Colorado provides, they have also compiled a list of teacher resources for adult ELL instruction that is 3 pages long! If you’re just starting out teaching ESL this year, or looking for a little beginning of the year inspiration check out the link below. The list of resources includes lesson plans, activity ideas, games, quizzes, music, and more!
Teacher Resources: Adult ELL Instruction
Did you enjoy this resource? Find anything useful? Or do you want to submit a resource of your own? Send us an email at, we would love to hear from you! Until next time, blessings and happy teaching.