by Pam Moore | May 1, 2014 | 10 years, Fifty Ways, Literacy Connexus, Volunteers
The term “blog” is reminiscent of the intro to Star Trek when we’re reminded of stardates – fictional representations designed to disguise actual time of voyages “where no man has gone before.” I wish that I had begun a “blog” on May 1, 2004, when Literacy Connexus...
by Pam Moore | Apr 16, 2014 | ESL Ministry, Fifty Ways
Imagine that you’ve just been transferred with your family to the United States. While you’ve heard English on television, the sounds are still jarring to you—certainly not familiar. Your spouse speaks English well enough for the job setting; your young children will...
by Pam Moore | Apr 2, 2014 | Fifty Ways, Volunteers
I am working through the list of 50 Ways Your Church Can Bless Your Community Through Literacy. However, for the month of April – National Volunteer Month – I’m taking a side bar. That said, consider which of the 50 Ways would get very far without volunteers. Not...
by Pam Moore | Mar 19, 2014 | Book Bank, Fifty Ways
The Book Bank, that is. There are now three Literacy Connexus Book Banks. One in Montgomery County (First Baptist Church Conroe), one in Parker County (Center of Hope – combining resources of 58 churches and others), and one in Tarrant County (Western Hills Baptist...
by Pam Moore | Mar 5, 2014 | Fifty Ways, Uncategorized
Did you vote yesterday? According to a report last year by Enrique Rangel, Texas ranked 42nd in voter registration, 49th in the number of citizens who contact public officials and 44th in the number of people who discuss politics a few times a week or more. Did you...
by Pam Moore | Feb 19, 2014 | Fifty Ways
They brought cookies. Two representatives from a local bank came to our ESL ministry with cookies. They responded to an invitation to share how to open a checking account with the students. The students had asked for help with that. Many lacked a bank account. They...